良渚文化 三節玉琮 Mini Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture
--易經 風澤中孚
A crane is singing in the shade, with her chicks in chorus.
And I have an awesome Jue, which we can relish with.
--Classic of Changes
It was used for ceremonial purposes by the Chinese of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties.
--Wikipedia 歡迎光臨太朴草堂!讓我們一起細細品味華夏藝術和骨董之美。
Welcome to Taipu Hut!
Let's appreciate the profound beauty of Chinese arts and antiques together!
良渚文化 玉琮 Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture
良渚文化 玉琮 Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture
關鍵字 Key Word:
Jade 玉器,
Jade Cong 玉琮,
Liangzhu Culture 良渚文化
唐 玉雕海東青 Carved Jade of Falco Rusticolus
唐 玉雕海東青 Carved Jade of Falco Rusticolus
關鍵字 Key Word:
Bird 鳥,
Falco Rusticolus 海東青,
Jade 玉器,
Snake 蛇,
Tang Dynasty 唐朝
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