清 邵景南製留佩款紫砂壺 Yixing Purple Clay Teapot Crafted by Shao Jingnan with Mark of Liupei
--易經 風澤中孚
A crane is singing in the shade, with her chicks in chorus.
And I have an awesome Jue, which we can relish with.
--Classic of Changes
It was used for ceremonial purposes by the Chinese of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties.
--Wikipedia 歡迎光臨太朴草堂!讓我們一起細細品味華夏藝術和骨董之美。
Welcome to Taipu Hut!
Let's appreciate the profound beauty of Chinese arts and antiques together!
明 大王遊戲姿觀音 Guanyin in Posture of Royal Ease
明 大王遊戲姿觀音 Guanyin in Posture of Royal Ease
唐 天策上將軍 General Tiance
唐 天策上將軍 General Tiance
關鍵字 Key Word:
General 將軍,
Sculpture and Plastic 雕塑,
Tang Dynasty 唐朝,
Wood Carving 木雕
唐 石雕獅子戲綵球 Stone Carved Lion Playing with Colorful Silk Ball
唐 石雕獅子戲綵球 Stone Carved Lion Playing with Colorful Silk Ball
關鍵字 Key Word:
Colorful Silk Ball 綵球,
Lion 獅子,
Sculpture and Plastic 雕塑,
Stone Carving 石雕,
Tang Dynasty 唐朝
清 青花雉雞牡丹紋鳳尾尊 Blue & White Glazed Phoenix Tail Vase with Common Pheasant & Tree Peony Motifs
清 青花雉雞牡丹紋鳳尾尊 Blue & White Glazed Phoenix Tail Vase with Common Pheasant & Tree Peony Motifs
元 青花魚藻紋大罐 Blue and White Glazed Pot with Fish & Waterweed Motifs
元 青花魚藻紋大罐 Blue and White Glazed Pot with Fish & Waterweed Motifs
關鍵字 Key Word:
Blue and White Porcelain 青花,
Fish 魚,
Porcelain 瓷器,
Pot 罐,
Waterweed 水藻,
Yuan Dynasty 元朝
元 釉裡紅拔白龍紋大罐 Underglaze Red Pot with Dragon Motif
元 釉裡紅拔白龍紋大罐 Underglaze Red Pot with Dragon Motif
關鍵字 Key Word:
Dragon 龍,
Porcelain 瓷器,
Pot 罐,
Underglaze Red Porcelain 釉裏紅,
Yuan Dynasty 元朝
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